Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Greetings from Portland

So We've been in town for roughly three whole days and it's safe to say that I do love this city while only having experienced a small fraction of all its splendors. In my short time here, I've already eaten some really excellent food, drank a dirty stick water tea that numbs your mouth and experienced probably the the most amazing evening of Karaoke ever; you bet I sang Van Halen. The highlight though was the gaggle of dot-commers there celebrating going international with their website. They did a rendition of the ultimate bar tune, piano man. It was amazing. All of our stuff is a mess around the house so I cannot seem to find my camera, but I promise pictures once i do! I'm off though to go have students of oriental medicine practice fake accupunture on my body in exchange for a twenty dollar gift card to trader joe's. Yes I am whore, but you would be too, given the situation.



Anonymous said...

Even MORE amazing than "Like a Virgin" karyoke in Prague?

Anonymous said...

i would say there was an equal level of all around befuddlement by all in attendance but this time, the talent levels were turned way way up. I did nothing to contribute to that however!
